
Prefects’ Guild

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Colombo Hindu College Mutwal

Prefect's Guild 2023

Prefect23A 3

Miss. J. Priyanjali

Deputy Head Prefect
Prefect23A 1

Miss. M. Sathiyavani

Head Prefect
Prefect23A 2

Mas. J. Shagithyan

Head Prefect
Prefect23A 4

Mas. T. Dhanushanth

Deputy Head Prefects
The aims of the prefects could be define as
  1. Maintain the reputation of school both inside and outside.
  2. Inculcate discipline among the school students.
  3. Solving the problems faced by the students amicably.
  4. Obeying rules and regulations while getting others to do so.
  5. Develop leadership qualities.
  6. Getting them being duty conscious
  7. Conduct school activities in organized way

To achieve these successfully, students will perform their obligations, obeying the respect and reputation of school.